A good lunch is necessary for busy businesspeople who work in the Kanda, Ochanomizu area.
Considering nutrition of tea leaves and health aspect, RESTAURANT 1899 OCHANOMIZU offers special lunch containing enough high proteins, vitamins and fiber to ensure every person can satisfy. Enjoy your meal at RESTAURANT 1899 OCHANOMIZU.
RESTAURANT 1899 OCHANOMIZU offers various sweets using tea leaves, Japanese sweets that go well with tea and other sweets that people who are not big fans of tea can still enjoy.
We also provide light meals and cocktails during cafe time so that guests can use our restaurant for late lunches or casual meetings.
Our concept is “Eating Tea.” Tea is not just a beverage; while showcasing the healthy aspects of tea, we have created a special menu using many vegetables. We are the only restaurant to offer such unique dishes combining Japanese cuisine and Japanese tea in Kanda, Ochanomizu. We have 62 seats including terrace seats. Have a great time at 1899 after work.
RESTAURANT 1899 OCHANOMIZUでは、宴会向けに飲み放題の各種コースをご用意しております。ゆったりしたソファや明るい店内は女子会や二次会などにもおすすめです。企業の宴会、忘年会・新年会・歓送迎会等にもご対応できるコース料理をご用意してお待ちしております。
RESTAURANT 1899 OCHANOMIZUでは、当店のテーマである日本茶をはじめとするドリンクのテイクアウトを行っております。当店のドリンクをご自宅で、オフィスでお召し上がりいただけます。
A place to welcome you Three minutes from Ochanomizu station
Three minutes from Ochanomizu station
RESTAURANT 1899 OCHANOMIZU is located in the heart of the city. You can reach our restaurant from six stations on five train lines, including JR and four subway lines.